Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Guild wars 2:Account locked for help and solutions

Account locked for help and solutions
Found this strange message on an on-line today, the official said I had real money transactions
But in addition to the game with Guild Wars 2 GOLD buy GEM GOLD not used for other purposes (except TP outside)
But do not know what, seeking edition friends can help me,

Directly permanently lock ..
Clearly expressed in the message, the account had cash transactions "

If the landlord think he is innocent
There may be stolen, and then using it to money laundering
There are not using mail or phone communication lock?

Write to customer service, they again inspection Login IP
If "use" IP should be different fishes

Official complaints process teaching

Is basically

The heading Please call: Access issue

Your GW2 Username - account name
Your GW2 Display Name - user name (XXXX.4 digits)
Your serial code - number
A character name, if any - role name
A detailed description of the issue that you're experiencing - problems encountered
Any error code that you are getting - error code

First to go off network login account (Support the Log In)

Issue Type I chose Account Link / unlink

Email Address fill my mailbox

Subject: letter title Whether locks me by mistake

Question fill Whether locks me by mistake
because the friend wanted to make the legendary weapon to borrow a money to give opposite party. On online is kicked suddenly the winding to see the wrong news harms the account number to block please do verify

game account: the example (andy.1234) If you do not know looking for a friend to help you see

Operating System Win 7 (own my computer room)

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